Dear New Patients,

We are honored to be a part of your journey to optimal health and respect the courageous path you have chosen to address your life with thoughtfulness and care. To ensure that we begin our relationship with a clear understanding so that you are empowered to receive the best possible care while minimizing any confusion or concerns, we want you to be fully informed about our services and policies and request that you read, make sure you understand and sign the documents included in this new patient packet prior to beginning our work together.

Please Download These Forms and Return Via Email Prior To Your First Appointment

Thank you for taking the time to fill out these forms. This ensures we can provide quality care. If you have questions, please call (505) 603-7187 or email contact@truenaturehealing.center. We look forward to working with you as part of your healthcare team!


Dr. William Schefer, ND, True Nature Healing Center Team

Dr. Schefer